web development Hallmarks of a good API Let's dig into an API. An API can be an HTTP API, but it can also be a software library, or CLI. I think there are many things which can make an API good or bad, but a few things come to mind fo rme. In general, I
twitter Retweeting Revisited So I cleaned up my twitter feed a little bit, by following my @CityOfSanJoseEN account [https://blog.dadops.co/2020/09/07/retweeting-robot/]. I then noticed that our county, Santa Clara, does the same multi-lingual tweets: > 聖塔克拉拉縣處於紅色風險級別,這意味著更多企業可以在室內營業。目前,一些室內企業和活動的風險仍然過高而不被允許營業。 pic.twitter.com/Om35G9KNuK [https://t.co/Om35G9KNuK] — Santa
twitter Retweeting Robot San Jose tweets their updates in multiple languages: > Help out. If you’d like to support wildfire evacuees, please contribute to the Silicon Valley Community Foundation Fire Relief Fund. To donate, visit: https://t.co/YIV2w9lfua #SCULighteningComplex [https://twitter.com/hashtag/SCULighteningComplex?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw]